IBS, Chocolate and the FODMAP Diet

IBS and Chocolate – can Chocolate fit into a low FODMAP meal plan?    A diagnosis of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) may include a handout that states “avoid chocolate.” Traditionally, chocolate has been viewed as a potential trigger for IBS symptoms like pain, cramping, bloating, gas and even diarrhea. This is because chocolate, particularly milk…

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10 tips to avoid going down the sugar rabbit hole this Halloween!

Scary prices for scary sugar-rich foods I look forward to receiving the Wednesday ads from the various supermarkets in my area. However, this week, the front page ad caught my attention “scary prices.”  The foods offered for these scary prices brought the thought immediately  “scary prices for scary sugar-rich foods!” You see, the foods on…

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3 delightful ways to indulge in chocolate without guilt

Chocolate, Weight, Love When I was a kid I loved Kit Kat bars. They held a special place in my heart since my Father was the gatekeeper for donning out this chocolate treat. At least that’s what I thought. My Mother was in the background giving her nod of approval. Don’t you wish now we…

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